First PN OPV to be delivered in Q1 of 2026, OPVs to use Naval Shield Baseline 4 CMS

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The South Korean Company "Hanwha Systems" recently gave an exclusive Interview to the prestigious Defense Publication "Jane's" where they gave some important updates about the Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPV) that South Korea (SK) is currently building for the Philippine Navy (PN)

They said that the first of six of these OPVs will be delivered to the Philippines on the first Quarter of next Year of 2026. They also said that these OPVs will be using the latest Version of their Naval Shield Combat Management System (CMS), the Baseline 4

BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151) Guided Missile Frigate News

December 17, 2024: Just some of the latest Pictures of the BRP Luna Frigate
Just an intriguing look at one of the .50 caliber Heavy Machine Gun (HMG) Mounts on the BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151) Guided Missile Frigate of the Philippine Navy (PN). And of course another Look at the Launch Canisters of the Main Weapon of the Vessel, the C-Star Anti-Ship Missile (AshM)

These Pictures were taken during the visit to the Ship last Month of December 2024 while docked in Zambales of Retired Vice Admiral Jesus C. Millan, the 34th Flag Officer in Command (FOIC) on the PN. 

Here is the Link containing the original Pictures to the Post of the “BRP Antonio Luna FF151 – PFFacebook Page: 
SOURCE: BRP Antonio Luna FF151 – PF Facebook Page Post, 12/17/24 – 1744H {Archived Link}

June 7, 2024: New Pics of the C-Star and Simbad-RC on the BRP Luna
Just some nice, new Pictures of the BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151), a Jose Rizal class Guided Missile Frigate of the Philippine Navy (PN) as it conducted a Training for its Crew for its Naval Shield Combat Management System (CMS)

Among those shown in the Pictures were the C-Star Anti-Ship Missile Launchers, Simbad-RC Surface to Air Missile (SAM) System and one of the Large Screen Monitors being used on the Ship

Here is the Link to the Post on the BRP Antonio Luna (FF-151) Facebook Page containing the original Pictures:
SOURCE: BRP Antonio Luna FF151 – PF Facebook Page Post, 06/07/24 – 1725H {Archived Link}

Chinese Military Forces will greatly outnumber US Forces in Asia by 2027 – US General

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The Commander of the 412th Test Wing of the United States Air Force (USAF), Brigadier General Doug Wickert recently said in a Speech that Chinese Military Forces will vastly outnumber soon those of the United States (US) on the Area that is West of the International Date Line. 

Wickert said that by 2027, the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) of China will outnumber US Forces 12 to 1 in Modern Fighter Aircraft, including 5 to 3 in fifth Generation Aircraft and 3 to 1 in Maritime Patrol Aircraft. 

Philippine Army (PA) News

January 9, 2025: PA reveals their Wish List for their Modernization
The Spokesperson of the Philippine Army (PA), Colonel Louie Dema-ala recently revealed to the Press their "Wish List" for their Modernization, and these are what he said:
- Long Range Artillery
- Armored Vehicles
- Infantry Equipment
- Multiple Launch Rocket System 
- Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Protection Equipment
- Air Defense Systems

This is a nice List, but I wonder if they will get all or even most of it because even though the Government of Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) approved to buy up to Php 2 trillion worth of Equipment for the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), it has not been providing the funding for it. 

Php 2 trillion for the AFP Modernization in ten Years means spending an average of Php 200 billion per Year, and yet as I posted about recently, the Budget for that given for this Year of 2025 was only Php 35 billion, which is not a big Difference from what former President Rodrigo Duterte was providing, and certainly very far from Php 200 billion.

Here is the Link to the Article at the “Philippine News Agency (PNA)” Website: 

December 17, 2024: SK Company to provide 137,000 Uniforms to the PA for Usd 6.9 million
The South Korean Company "Hancom Lifecare" recently announced that they have just won a Contract to supply Military Uniforms to the Philippine Army (PA) worth Krw 10 billion, or approximately United States (US) Dollar 6.9 million assuming an Exchange Rate of Krw 1,436 per Dollar. 

The Contract will be for 137,000 Sets of Uniforms consisting of Tops, Bottoms and Hats which they will be partnering with Philippine Companies to deliver them by June of next Year of 2025. This brings the approximate cost per Set to around Usd 50. 

A quick look at their Website shows that Hancom Lifecare specializes in providing Firefighting Uniforms, and I am not sure if they have experience before in providing Military Uniforms. Hopefully the Uniforms at least will have some good Fire Retardant Properties. 

I'm also not sure if this acquisition falls now under the new Procurement Law that was signed into Law several Months ago. 

PAF A-29B Super Tucano News

December 16, 2024: PAF A-29 Super Tucanos at Clark Air Base
Just some of the latest Pictures of the A-29B Super Tucano Light Attack Aircraft of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) at the Clark Air Base in Pampanga during a Joint Exercise with a particular Western Country which does nothing but interfere in the Philippines’ Affairs so they can keep enslaving it and protect their Interests here. 

The Super Tucanos also conducted Surface Attack Exercises at the Crow Valley Gunnery Range at the Colonel Ernesto Ravena Air Base (CERAB) in Tarlac to sharpen their Precision and Effectiveness during Close Air Support (CAS) Operations.

Here is the Link to the Post containing the original Pictures at the PAF's Facebook Page: 
SOURCE: Philippine Air Force Facebook Page Post, 12/16/24 – 1902H {Archived Link}

August 23, 2024: Brig. Gen. Dionisio tries out the A-29B Super Tucano BATD at the 15SW
Brigadier General Roman Dionisio, the current Deputy Commander for Internal Defense Operations of the Western Command (WESCOM) of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) recently made a Testimonial Visit to the 15th Strike Wing (15SW) of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) and got to try out the Basic Air Training Device (BATD) of the Wing for their A-29B Super Tucano Aircraft. 

Brig. Gen. Dionisio was also a former Combat Pilot of the Unit and flew the MD-520MG Light Attack Helicopter. 

Here is the Link to the Post on the Facebook Page of the 15th Strike Wing containing the original Picture:
SOURCE: 15th Strike Wing Facebook Page Post, 08/23/14 – 1250H {Archived Link}

Philippine Army acquires the Silver Bullet Guided Ammunition System for their ATMOS Howitzers

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This is a bit of a late Post, but better late than never. The Philippine Army (PA) is set to acquire another Guided Weapons System in its Arsenal after the Notice to Proceed (NTP) for the acquisition of Guided Munitions for their 155 mm caliber Autonomous Truck Mounted-howitzer System (ATMOS) was released to the Israeli Company, "Elbit Systems Land Limited" in August of last Year of 2024. 

The Contract is worth Php 248.19 million, or around Usd 4.26 million assuming an Exchange Rate of Php 58.21 per Dollar. 130 units of Guided rounds, or Precision Guided Munitions (PGM), are going to be acquired for an approximate average cost of Php 1.9 million or Usd 32.8k per round. 

Philippines signs Contract for six more Super Tucanos, delivery to start in 2026

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The Inquirer News Publication reported that the Commander of the 15th Strike Wing of the Philippine Air Force (PAF), Brigadier General Juliano Llarenas said during the recent Decommissioning Ceremony of their OV-10 Bronco Aircraft and AH-1S Cobra Helicopter that a Contract has already been signed last December 27, 2024 for an additional six A-29 Super Tucano Aircraft for the PAF. 

Gen. Llarenas also said that, I quote, "Hopefully the Notice to Proceed will be issued today (meaning December 28, 2024 which was the time of the Interview)", end quote. Incidentally, the Manufacturer of the Super Tucano, the Brazilian Company "Embraer SA" made a Press Release several Days after Llarenas' Interview announcing that a "Firm Order" has been made for six of their A-29 Aircraft, but did not name the Customer. 

End of an Era as Philippines retires the last of its OV-10 Bronco and AH-1S Cobra Aircraft

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Truly the End of another Era of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) Combat Military Aircraft after the last two of its OV-10 Bronco Fixed Wing Aircraft and two AH-1S Cobra Attack Helicopters were finally retired at the Major Danilo Atienza Air Base in Sangley Point in Cavite recently.  

The PAF acquired the OV-10 Units as secondhand back in the early 1990s, and until this retirement, the PAF was the only one left that was using it in active Military Service. With this retirement then, there will be no more OV-10 Broncos left in use by any Armed Forces in the World.

China Military Hardware, 2024

December 27, 2024: China shocks the World with two new next Generation Aircraft
ChinaShocked the World”, or in Filipino, “Ginulat ang Mundo!!!” recently when it unofficially sort of “released” to the Public its next Generation Fighter Aircraft. No official Announcement yet from China, but it seems that these Aircraft were flown in Daylight and in a relatively populated Area so they will be captured on Cameras. 

Not much Details are known about these Aircraft, one seems to be made by the “Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (CAC)” with not just two but three Engines, and could be called the “J-36”. The other one seems to be made by the “Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC)” and has the more conventional two Engines. 

Both Aircraft only has Wings but no other Horizontal or Vertical Surfaces, greatly enhancing their Stealth capability. Both Aircraft are likely Prototypes and the Fact that they are already flying indicates that they could go into Production in a couple of Years. 

With this release, I think that if the Philippine Air Force (PAF) wants to maintain some competitiveness with its Fighter Aircraft, then they really have no choice but to go with the newer Aircraft like South Korea’s (SK) KF-21 Boramae, or the Turkish Kaan.  

January 4, 2024: PAF announces plan to acquire China’s FC-31 Stealth Aircraft
PAF TO ACQUIRE CHINA’S FC-31 STEALTH AIRCRAFT!!! Yes, the PAF … The Pakistan Air Force (PAF), which recently announced to the Public their intention to acquire the FC-31 Gyrfalcon Aircraft that is made by China

No less than the Air Marshal of the PAF Zaheer Ahmed Baber Sidhu made the announcement earlier this Month when he said that the FC-31 will enter service with the PAF “in the near Future”. No other Details yet has been revealed about this acquisition, like its Quantity, Price, etc. 

Pakistan is a close Ally of China and operates several Chinese Military Aircraft, including the JF-17 Thunder and J-10 Menglong (Vigorous Dragon) Fighter Aircraft. 

Typhon Mid-Range Capability (MRC) News

December 24, 2024: PA, AFP should stop using the Term “MRC” if they don’t mean the Typhon
Dear Philippine Army (PA) Chief Lieutenant General Roy Galido, and also to the Rest of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) itself: To avoid confusion, stop using the Term, “Mid-Range Capability or MRC” if you don’t mean it to be the “Typhon” Missile System of the United States (US)

As far as I know, only the Typhon uses that Term, that is why it is in it’s entire Name, which is the “Typhon Mid-Range Capability (MRC)”. If you really mean other Weapons System, then use a more General Term, like “Short Range Ballistic Missiles (SRBM)” for Example which the Encyclopedia Britannica says are Missiles with a Range of around 480 km. 

I think you can also use “Short Range Missiles (SRM)” to refer to non-Ballistic or Cruise Missiles with similar Range. If the PA really wants to get Missiles with only around a 370 km Range, which by the Way is not enough to reach China when fired from Luzon, then get the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) and its new Precision Strike Missile (PrSM)

The PrSM’s maximum Range of 500 km still won’t be enough to reach China when fired from Luzon and thus won’t offend them as much, but will more than cover our Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)

December 23, 2024: PA still intent in acquiring the Typhon MRC
The Chief of the Philippine Army (PA), Lieutenant General Roy Galido said in a News Conference recently that they are still interested in acquiring the Typhon Mid Range Capability (MRC) System which will allow the Philippines to hit Targets in China even when fired all the Way from Luzon using its BGM-109 Tomahawk Missiles. 

Galido said that it will probably take two or more Years to acquire the System, so at least until 2026 since it has not yet been budgeted for acquisition next Year of 2025. Galido also mentioned that how many Systems will be acquired will depend on the Budget they will be able to get for it. 

As I mentioned in a previous Blog, I am lukewarm only in Terms of the acquisition of this System. While it is "very cool" for the Philippines to finally get to have its own of the legendary Tomahawk Missiles, I don't think they will do much of a difference overall. 

As I said, Russia had already fired at least 800 of its own Version of the Tomahawk, the Kalibr, into Ukraine in the last three Years, as we can all see it has not been that decisive for the Russians. 

My only hope is that China will not see as much a Threat the Philippine-owned Typhons compared to United States (US)-owned Typhons as it will less likely be armed with the Nuclear Version of the Tomahawk. The Possibility is still there, the Philippines and US could get into a Secret Agreement to do so, but it is less likely. 

Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) News, 2024-2025

February 12, 2025: AFP Chief said they plan to get more BrahMos Missile starting this Year of 2025, and says Submarines are needed for the Philippines 
Some Updates recently from no less than the Chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), General Romeo Brawner Junior to the Press:

* More PJ-10 BrahMos Missiles are being acquired starting this Year of 2025. Quoting from Brawner himself: “We are getting more of this (BrahMos System) this Year, and in the coming Years

* He also said that it is their “Dream” to get Submarines, and that it is vital for the Defense of the Philippines. Quoting Brawner again: “It's a Dream for us to get at least two Submarines. We are an Archipelago. So we have to have this type of Capability, because it's really difficult to defend that entire Archipelago without Submarines”.

January 20, 2025: AFP Modernization Update, January 20, 2025
Some Updates on the Modernization of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) from the Press from a supposed "Procurement Monitoring Report" by the Department of National Defense (DND). However, I can't find any such Report from the DND on their or other Government Websites. At any rate, since the Press is reporting it, so here they are:

* 12 additional FA-50PH Fighting Eagle Aircraft for the Philippine Air Force (PAF) for Php 40 billion, or Usd 683.6 million assuming an Exchange Rate of Php 58.51 per Dollar thru a Government to Government Deal

* Undisclosed Number of Bell 412EPX Helicopters for the Philippine Army (PA) for Emergency Medical Missions worth Php 1 billion, or Usd 17 million

* Contract for six A-29 Super Tucano Aircraft for the PAF confirmed, cost was reportedly worth Php 6.5 billion or Usd 111.09 million 

* Upgrade of existing FA-50PH Aircraft of the PAF

* Cyber Systems of the AFP Upgrade 

* Upgrade to the SPYDER-MR Surface to Air Missile (SAM) Systems of the PAF

* Missiles and Systems upgrade for the Malvar-class Corvettes of the Philippine Navy (PN)

* Missiles for the PAF

* BRP Miguel Malvar (FFG-06) to be delivered in March 2025 while BRP Diego Silang (FFG-07) to be launched more or less around that Month

* Php 3.03 billion to be spent for the Kalayaan Island Group (KIG) Upgrade

Here is the Link to the Article at the “Inquirer” Website: 

Multi-billion Pesos worth of BrahMos Missiles just being kept in an ordinary Warehouse?

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The current Senate President of the Philippines Francis Escudero said last Month of November 2024 that the Missiles that the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) bought from India several Years ago just ended up in an ordinary Warehouse because there was no funding for the storage of them in Zambales

Quoting from the Newspaper Article itself, "For instance, the Senate President said the AFP purchased Php 8 billion worth of Missiles from India three years ago that are still stockpiled in a Warehouse today because it failed to allocate funding for the Storage of the Missiles in a Base in Zambales."

AFP V-150 Commando Vehicle News

December 7, 2024: PMC V-150 participates in SUBBUTEN 01-24 Field Exercise
A look at the V-150 Armored Vehicles of the Marine Battalion Landing Team-10 (MBLT-10) of the 4th Marine Brigade of the Philippine Marine Corps (PMC) which participated in the "SUBBUTEN 01-24" Field Exercise recently. 

The Vehicles were providing Direct Fire Support to the PMC Troops which were exercising Tactical Manuevers. These V-150 Vehicles are armed with a .50 caliber Heavy Machine Gun (HMG) and a 7.62 mm caliber Light Machine Gun (LMG)

Its Armor can protect against up to 7.62 mm caliber Ammunition, it can carry around nine Passengers and can reach Land Speeds of up to 100 kph.

SOURCE: Marine Battalion Landing Team-10 Facebook Page Post, 12/07/24 – 0938H {Archived Link}

September 3, 2024: The 4th Mechanized Battalion of the PA’s V150 Vehicles
The 4th Mechanized Infantry "Kalasag" Battalion of the Philippine Army (PA) recently celebrated its 14th Activation Anniversary in Lanao Del Norte in Mindanao, and among the celebrations were the blessing of the Unit's Armored Vehicles, which included this V150 Commando Armored Personnel Carrier (APC)

The PA started operating its V150s in the mid-1970s, its Armor can protect against up to 7.62 mm caliber Ammunition, it can carry around nine Passengers and can reach Land Speeds of up to 100 kph.

SOURCE: 4th Mechanized Infantry "Kalasag" Battalion, Philippine Army, 10/03/24 – 1601H {Archived Link}

Philippine Navy AW109 Helicopter Inventory now down to only three after second crash in three Years

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Another AW109E Helicopter of the Philippine Navy (PN) crashed, this one at Sangley Point in Cavite City. A total of five People consisting of the Pilot, Co-Pilot and three Maintenance Crews were hurt in the Incident, but luckily there were no Fatalities. 

The Helicopter was doing a Test Flight after undergoing its scheduled Maintenance Inspection when the Incident happened. Four of the Passengers suffered minor Cuts and Bruises while another one sustained a minor Fracture. 

US to deploy offensive Tomahawk Missiles against China in the Philippines during a War for Taiwan

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While everyone is distracted with the ongoing Political Drama between the Dutertes and the Marcoses here in the Philippines, Information was leaked to the Japanese Press recently that said that the United States (US) will be deploying their Multi-Domain Task Force (MDTF) in the Philippines in case a War over Taiwan erupts. 

Among the Weapons the MDTF is equipped with is the Typhon Mid-Range Capability (MRC) System which, as I had discussed already in two Videos before, is capable of firing two Types of Missiles, the Standard Missile-6 (SM-6) and the BGM-109 Tomahawk Missile. 

SPYDER-MR Surface to Air Missile System delivery to the Philippines completed

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It looks like the Israeli Company, “Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Limited” have just completed the delivery of their Surface-to-air Python and Derby (SPYDER) Surface to Air Missile (SAM) System when they delivered the third and last Battery to the Philippine Air Force (PAF) recently. 

The Notice to Proceed (NTP) for these Units was released back in 2019 under the Administration of former President Rodrigo Duterte, and each Battery cost around Usd 43 million, or approximately Php 2 billion each back then when the Exchange Rate was still around Php 48 per Dollar. 

The Typhon Mid-Range Capability (MRC) Missile System for the Philippines?

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I was supposed to make this Video many Months ago when I noticed that the United States (US) Forces were teaching Philippine Military Troops on the use of the Typhon Mid-Range Capability (MRC) Missile System here in the Philippines. I thought, why they heck are they teaching us its use, are we planning to buy it? 

But then Russian President Vladimir Putin started talking against it, and the US and Philippines started to get Cold Feet and said they were going to pull the System out of the Country by September of this Year of 2024. 

News related to the acquired Weapons of the Philippines, 2023-2024

November 4, 2024: MBDA introduces new SIMBAD-RC Models, including the four-shot SIMBAD-RC4
The European Defense Manufacturer "Matra-BAe Dynamics-Alenia (MBDA)" has updated their SIMBAD-Remote Control (RC) Surface to Air Missile (SAM) System to the new SIMBAD-RC2 and SIMBAD-RC4 Versions which will be ready by 2027. 

The main Difference with these new Models is that they are made to be exempted from the United States’ (US)International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)” Law, meaning that the US won’t be able to withhold Parts and even Services from any Country that buys them, so good thinking on the Part of MBDA. 

The SIMBAD-RC2 will carry two Mistral 3 Missiles and weigh around 500 kg while the bulkier SIMBAD-RC4 will carry four such Missiles and weigh around 800 kg. 

The Jose-Rizal class Guided Missile Frigates and the six upcoming Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPV) are armed with two of the current SIMBAD-RC Weapons for each Ship, so these new Products is something that the Philippine Navy (PN) could consider when building future Vessels. 

Here is the Link to the European Defense Review (EDR) On-Line Website: 

June 20, 2024: Five Countries in Europe to jointly acquire the Mistral 3 Missile System
Five European Countries, namely France, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia and Hungary, recently signed an Agreement to jointly acquire the Mistral 3 Surface to Air Missile (SAM) System. The Mistral 3 is also being used by the SIMBAD-Remote Control (RC) SAM System onboard the two Jose Rizal class Guided Missile Frigates of the Philippine Navy (PN)

The Mistral 3 uses an Imaging Infra-Red (IIR) Guidance System allowing it to be only aimed initially by the Operator and once it is launched, it will home in by itself towards the Target. It has a Range of up to 8 km, and can maneuver up to 30Gs. Each Jose Rizal Frigate has two Simbad-RC Launchers, and each Launcher has two Missiles that are ready to fire. 

Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Accidents, 2022-2024

November 2, 2024: C295 loses Tire when landing in Batanes while carrying Food Packs
Sad News recently when one of the C295 Medium Transport Aircraft of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) lost one of the Tires of its Nose Gear when trying to land in Basco, Batanes. The Aircraft was carrying Family Food Packs for the Victims of the recent Typhoons in the Area. 

None of the Aircraft's Pilots and Crew were hurt in the Incident. The PAF has around seven of this these Aircraft which were bought from Spain, and as far as I can remember, this is the first time that a serious Accident like this happened with this type of Aircraft with the PAF. 

The Incident is still under Investigation, but the Aircraft’s heavy Load and the short Length of the Runway (as I understand it) there in Basco might have something to do with what happened. Anyway, let’s wait for the official Findings of the Investigation, hopefully the PAF will release it to the Public.

September 29, 2024: PAF Black Hawk Helicopter makes an Emergency Landing at a School in Zamboanga Del Sur
An S-70i Black Hawk Helicopter of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) headed to Cotabato City decided to make an Emergency Landing at the Tukuran Central Elementary School in Zamboanga Del Sur recently due to unfavorable Weather. 

No Casualties were reported in the Incident, but it did cause some minor Disturbance in the Area due to the strong Rotor Wash of the Aircraft. I think what happened here is that these S-70i Helicopters have Weather Radars that allows them to detect Bad Weather Conditions in the Path of the Aircraft. 

It allows them to avoid the Weather, but not go thru them, and the Pilots of the Aircraft decided to temporarily land the Helicopter and let the Bad Weather pass before continuing their Flight later. 

PN Multi-Purpose Attack Craft (MPAC) News

October 27, 2024: Typhoon MLS ER on MPAC Mk 3
Just a look a the Typhoon MLS ER Missile Launcher of one of the Multi-Purpose Attack Craft (MPAC) Mk 3 of the Philippine Navy (PN). These Launchers typically carry around four Spike Extended Range (ER) Missiles which has a range of around 8 km. 

The PN has six of these MPAC Mk 3 Vessels which are all equipped with the Typhoon MLS ER, and are the very first ever Vessels of the PN to be armed with Missiles. 

Here is the Link to the Post of the 3RD BA Division Facebook Page containing the original Picture: 
SOURCE: 3RD BA Division Facebook Page Post, 10/27/24 – 2118H {Archived Link}

October 20, 2024: Recent look at MPACs BA-482 and BA-485
Just a look at the Multi Purpose Attack Craft (MPAC) Mk 1 with Hull Number BA-482 and MPAC Mk 2 with Hull Number BA-485 recently. These are some of the earliest MPACs of the Philippine Navy (PN), BA-482 having been commissioned into Service in 2009 while BA-485 was commissioned in 2012. 

So both Vessels have now been in Service with the PN for over a Decade now. The MPAC Mk 1 and Mk 2 are armed with .50 caliber Heavy Machine Guns (HMG) and 7.62 mm caliber Light Machine Guns (LMG) and can reach speeds of at least 74 kph. 

Here is the Link to the Post of the 1st Boat Attack Division Facebook Page containing the original Pictures:
SOURCE: 1st Boat Attack Division Facebook Page Post, 10/20/24 – 1249H {Archived Link}

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