PAF C-130 Hercules News

February 5, 2025: PAF C-130 Hercules Aircraft restored to Full Operational Status after 4 Months of Maintenance
A C-130 Hercules Transport Aircraft of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) was restored back to Full Operational Status recently after being sidelined for four Months as “Critical Structure Maintenance Procedures” were conducted on it. A Blessing and Turnover Ceremony was later conducted for the Aircraft in Clark Air Base in Pampanga to mark the Event.

September 15, 2024: PAF C-130 Aircraft transports Food Packs to help Batanes Residents
A C-130 Hercules Transport Aircraft of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) recently transported over 800 Family Food Packs to Residents who were severely affected by the strong South West Monsoon (which in Filipino is called the "Habagat") in Batanes in the North, the Archipelagic Province that is closest to Taiwan and which Taiwan is also claiming as their own, but which the Philippine Government is ignoring because the United States (US) doesn't want the Philippines to fight Taiwan or any other Country except China.

Personnel from various Government Agencies there then helped unload the Packs and prepare them for distribution to the Batanes Residents. By the Way, I thought the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) that were provided to the US were so they can help us better in Terms of Disaster Response? 

If so, how come is that the US Military Personnel has been “Missing in Action (MIA)” in Terms of such Response in the Natural Disasters that has happened in the last several Months now? 

Here is the Link to the Post on the PAF Facebook Page which contains the original Pictures:
SOURCE: Philippine Air Force Facebook Page Post, 09/15/24 – 1529H {Archived Link}

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