China reveals Philippine Personnel secretly resupplying BRP Sierra Madre by posing as Fishermen

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The Chinese News Publication, “Global Times” recently ran an exclusive Story involving Philippine Personnel that were secretly supplying the BRP Sierra Madre (LT-57) Vessel that was grounded in Ayungin Shoal, by posing as Fishermen. 

The Global Times posted Footages of this Action as well as some Analysis of the Footages to support their Claims. Personally, I think that these “Secret” Operations are being done by the Naval Special Operations Command (NAVSOCOM) of the Philippine Navy (PN) as this seems to fall under their Area of Responsibility. 

Remember that the NAVSOCOM Troops were also the ones that were involved in an Altercation with the Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) earlier this Month. Here is the Global Times Video which I added a Voiceover on their Screen Texts: 

Recently, multiple On-Site Videos revealed that the Philippines sent so-called "Fishermen" to repair and reinforce the illegally "grounded" Warship at China's Ren'ai Jiao. 

Illegal Transportation of Construction Supplies under the guise of Fishing.

The "Fishing Vessel was from Palawan of the Philippines.

The depth of the Hull's Draft showed it carried large Weights. 

The Vessel suspected to be carrying large Quantities of Construction Materials.

The Philippine "Fishermen" are "experienced" and "well-trained", and were using Cell Phones to record the China Coast Guard's lawful investigations.

The Philippine "Fishermen" were using Reflective Objects to avoid the CCG's Sea Lights. 

The Philippine "Fishermen" transported Items suspected to be Construction Materials to the illegally "Grounded" Warship at Night.

The Philippine "Fishermen" lifted suspicious large Items to the illegally "Grounded" Warship at Night.

Philippine Military Personnel welded the illegally "Grounded" Warship during the Day with the intention of reinforcing it.


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China reveals Philippine Personnel secretly resupplying BRP Sierra Madre by posing as Fishermen
China reveals Philippine Personnel secretly resupplying BRP Sierra Madre by posing as Fishermen

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