Russo-Ukrainian War Notes, May 31, 2024

A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine
A composite Image of the Flags of the Russian Federation and Ukraine
Here are News Reports and some of my thoughts on the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War:

* January 5, 2023: Russia claims to have shot down a UFO in Rostov
Interesting that a Governor of Russia itself is claiming to have shot down an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) using Surface to Air Missiles (SAM) in the Rostov Region which is located in the South of Russia. The UFO was described as small, in the shape of a Ball and flying against the direction of the Wind at an Altitude of around 2,400 m

* February 19, 2023: U.S. tells China not to supply Weapons to Russia while supplying Weapons to Ukraine
It is the absolute height of HYPOCRISY for the United States (US) to go out and warn China not to provide Weapons to Russia when they have been CONSTANTLY doing the same to Ukraine this entire time of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War. This is just the kind of hypocritical INTERFERENCE of other Nation’s Affairs that the Americans are so well known for and who are in fact even proud of it

* March 4, 2023: Japan has resumed importing of Oil from Russia this Year
Japan has resumed the importing of Oil from Russia after trying to cut that off starting in May of last Year of 2022 as a Sanction for Russia’s Militay action in Ukraine. However, Japan imported over 747,000 barrels of Oil from Russia in January 2023

* March 14, 2023: “Ukraine short of skilled Troops and Munitions as Losses, Pessimism grow” – The Washington Post
This Article is admitting the heavy Losses that Ukraine is taking, especially in terms of its experienced Soldiers. There is still some Western Propaganda in the Article though, insisting that Russia has supposedly taken even more Casualties. Quoting from the Article: “After a year of War, Kupol, a Lieutenant Colonel, said his Battalion is unrecognizable. Of about 500 Soldiers, roughly 100 were killed in action and another 400 wounded, leading to complete turnover. Kupol said he was the sole Military Professional in the Battalion, and he described the struggle of leading a Unit composed entirely of inexperienced Troops.

* April 12, 2023: Russia reportedly jamming JDAM Smart Bombs in Ukraine, causing them to miss
Russian Forces are reportedly able to effectively jam the Guidance Systems of the American-made Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM) in Ukraine, causing them to miss. The JDAM uses a combination of Global Positioning System (GPS) and Inertial Navigation System (INS) to guide it to its Target, but the more accurate GPS System is somehow being jammed by the Russians, and as per other References the INS System maybe jam-proof but it is not very accurate. This to me makes a strong case for use of Smart Weapons with better Guidance Systems, like Optical Guidance Systems, for example 

* May 6, 2023: Russians also jamming expensive HIMARS Rockets in Ukraine
The Russians are now reportedly also able to jam effectively the Global Positioning System (GPS) Guidance Systems of the expensive Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) Rockets used by the High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) of the Ukrainians, causing them to miss their Targets according to American Officials.

Remember that earlier it was reported that the Russians were able to jam the GPS Guidance Systems of the Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM), so this doesn’t bode well for the future in general of GPS-guided Munitions in the Battlefield. GPS Guidance was seen as a way to make Guided Weapons cheaper, but with them being effectively neutralized, the future now will be towards more sophisticated but also more expensive Guidance Systems

* August 24, 2023: Wagner Group Leader Prigozhin dead after Plane Crash in Moscow
Like most Things nowadays, I first saw this News on TikTok that the Leader of the Russian Private Mercenary Group, the Wagner Group, was among those who died after the Plane that was carrying him and others crashed near Moscow

The crash occurred exactly to the Day when he started a Coup against Russia which later failed. Some Reports say the Plane was possibly shot down, others said that a Bomb could’ve been smuggled in one of the Suitcases. His second in command, Dmitry Urkin was also one of the Passengers of the Aircraft

* January 5, 2024: Drones extensively being used to lay Mines in the ongoing War in Ukraine
Interesting that Drones are now extensively being used to lay Anti-Personnel and Anti-Materiel Mines in the War in Ukraine by both Sides. Large Drones like the ones being used for Crop Dusting could carry a lot of Mines per Trip and be more effective at doing that ...

* March 17, 2024: French AASM/HAMMER Guided Bombs integrated into Ukrainian Mig-29 Aircraft
Another Case of Russian Mig-29 Fulcrum Aircraft of Ukraine being successfully modified to use Western-made Weapons, this one with French-made “Armement Air-Sol Modulaire (AASM)”, or also known as the  “Highly Agile Modular Munition Extended Range (HAMMER)” Guided Bombs

* May 22, 2024: Ukrainian Sea Baby USVs armed with BM-21 Rockets to attack Coastal Positions
Interesting that Ukraine has armed their Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV), the "Sea Baby" with six 122 mm caliber Rockets, the same ones used by the BM-21 Grad System. This gives them some limited capability to launch attacks from the Sea into Russian Coastal Positions

* May 26, 2024: “War has changed a Lot” – Irish Drone Operator in Ukraine 
WAR HAS CHANGED A LOT”, said an Irishman who is now fighting for Ukraine as a Drone Operator. This is something that our own Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) may want to think about seriously, especially since the Bangag President seems to be eager to go to War with China

Drone Operators are now reportedly one of the most Important Assets in the Battlefield, so Filipinos may want to start buying First Person View (FPV) Drones to practice with as it seems we are about to be sacrificed by the United States (US) in the Altar of their War to defend Taiwan

Unfortunately, since Drone Operators are so valuable now in the Battlefield, they are also Prime Targets for the Enemy. Reconnaissance Operations in Ukraine are now reporedly being done mainly by Drones, and Enemy Snipers have become Favorite Targets of FPV Drones also. 

* May 31, 2024: "1.8 million more Ukrainians now live in Poverty" - WB
The World Bank (WB) just recently said that an additional 1.8 million Ukrainians now live in Poverty due to their ongoing War with Russia. This is the future FATE of the Philippines, thanks to the United States (US) and the Filipino Kissers of their A**es who want to sacrifice the Philippines thru WAR in the Alter of the US’ Interests. particularly that of Taiwan ...

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