Philippine Defense News Transfer to Google+

As those of you who follow me on Facebook will have noticed by now, I am having some problems accessing my Facebook Pages due to some technical reason. I don't think the issue will be resolved anytime soon, so rather than just wait for it to be resolved I have decided to transfer to Google+. You can follow me there thru this link: Philippine Defense News at Google +. I hope to see all of you there.

Screenshot of the Philippine Defense News Page on Google+


  1. Hi RHK, i cannot help but suspect some wards are "sabotaging" your space.

    I'm having a hard time visiting this page of yours the last 5 to 6 days.

    On the other hand, i have no trouble accessing the Phil Def News.

    Is something brewing up? Baka napag-initan ka na ng mga tsekwang hackers.


  2. Thanks for the heads up, Dewey. Can you describe the issues you are finding? I'll try to do a more thorough check also.

  3. Hi RHK, If I encounter it again today, I'll send you a screenshot. But I understand it says that your space has limited space of users/visitors. Something like that.

  4. last few days i experienced the same thing, this page was hard to access same time with your fb page.

  5. Tsk. Seems like my damn webhost isn't up to the traffic my blog is generating.

  6. All, thanks for your feedback about the problems you are encountering with my site. I reported the incident to my webhost, but they just told me they couldn't find any problems with the site, and I suspect their servers just can't handle the incoming traffic to my site.

    Or maybe it is a security problem, but even if so, it means my current webhost can't take care of the problem.

    At any rate, I have taken some steps to try to solve the problem, which are:
    - Removed most of the ads;
    - Disabled the latest plugin I installed on my site
    - Re optimized my cache plugin

    Let's monitor this for a couple of days, and if the problem still persists, I may have no choice but just to go back to have, which may require a bit of a downtime for a couple of days. Anyway, I would appreciate it if you could also help monitor the site if there is an improvement or not. Thanks.

  7. why can't you just create a new fb page?

  8. I am pissed-off beyond words right now at Facebook for deleting one of my Facebook accounts and not even giving me a warning or the opportunity to save my Facebook Pages, so I will NOT be part of any of their Pages anymore, at least not if I can help it.

  9. Understandable, also me kapangalan yung Phil defense news. I think you should change the name if ever you decide to come back to fb.

  10. Hi RHK I encountered the same thing as Deewii.

  11. Thanks for the information, freddie. When did you encounter this?
